Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Each Planet has its own basic charecteristics, regardless of which sign it is placed, or which House itis placed. The planet blends it's charecteristics with that of the Sign it occupies, and the House it occupies from the Lagna. If some other Planet Aspects this Planet, then again its expression further changes. As an anology I will explain for the easy grasping of the subject by begeners. Suppose you take a glass of Milk. It has got it's own charecteristic taste. If you add Sugar the taste changes, and you can feel more tastier. [like a benefic House]. Instead if you add salt, you may not like it. [Like a malefic House] If you add cofee the taste will be something else. If you add Bournvita You can have a seperate taste. Like that the planets also change their charecteristics according to the House they are located, the zodiac sign they are in, and give the results accorgingly. For example the Jupiter the most natural Benefic planet also can give adverse effects when it is located in Trikas [3rd,6th,8th and also 12th House from the Lagna.] and in the House of enemy, or in Debilitation Sign. Here Lagna I mean also include Chandra Lagna, Aruda Lagna, Karakmsa Lagna etc. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars are called Personal Planets or Charectorbulding Planets. Jupiter, and Saturn are called ImpersoUranus Nepenal or Event Planets. Western Astrology also include Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto under this catogery.
For consultaion contact Sreenivas Desabhatla by e-mail to sree2104@gmail.com or sreeastropoint@in.com

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