Sunday, April 10, 2011


Sri Satya Sai Baba was admitted to the Sri Satyasai super-speciality hospital on 28,March, 2011, Monday evening due to ill-health. Doctors said he was suffering from pneumonia and water has entered his lungs. Allaying fears of lakhs of his devotees, J Ratnakar of Sri Satyasai Trust said that Sai Baba was recovering.

Monday, Apr 11, 2011

Medical Bulletin released at 0800 hrs. reads:

Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba has entered His 15th day of treatment in this hospital. His condition is stable. There is an overall improvement in the functioning of all the organs although it is slow.

He continues to be on the ventilator and on intermittent dialysis.

His liver is also showing improvement in its functioning.

The doctors attending upon Bhagawan Baba are satisfied with the improvement shown so far, though He still continues to be in a critical state of health.

Signed by
Dr. A. N. Safaya
Director, SSSIHMS-PG.



If we look at the current progressions we can understand the reason for Sai Baba’s ill health. The most important configurations to note are (a) solar arc Pluto is now square Moon with which it was natally conjunct in the house of death (8th) (b) Progressed Sun sesqui Moon. Both these are life threatening aspects. The transits of the malefics Saturn and Mars to the Moon on the days indicated (give or take a few days.since transits can trigger the progression several days before exactness) below are not supportive of any improvement and may become the indicator of his passing away.

1. In D-6 Chart Jupiter at 12d Pisces is aspecting the Dasa Lord Sun also at 12d Scorpio exactly to a degree. [Sun is in the Star of Saturn]

2. Scorpio Asc raises in Shashtamsa Chart. 3 Planets – Sat, Sun, and Venus is placed in the Ascendant. All the 3 Planets are in the Star of Saturn and the Lagna also raises in the star of Saturn. Jupiter who is the Lord of the 2nd a Marakasthana is placed in the Star of Saturn.

3. Venus who is the Lord of the 7th a Maraka and the 12th Hospitalization is in the Star of Saturn Lord of the 3rd the Ayusthana, and placed in the Lagna

4. The Bhukti Lord Mercury is the Lord of the 8th and placed in Sagittarius a Maraka sthana. Mercury is in the star of Venus , the Lord of the 7th and 12th . Again a Maraka and Hospitalization.

5. 18th April 2011 Monday, a Pournami with Chitta Nakshatram [a Naidhana Tara to Anuradha where the Natal Lagna, and 4 more Planets- Sat, Sun, Ven, and Mer [R] are placed. Most probably this day may be Critical to his Health.



Lagna lord is exceedingly strong and aspected by a benefic from an angle.

A benefic in an angle while the Lagna lord is aspected or conjoined a benefic, particularly Jupiter.

Saturn with lagna, 8th and 10th lords in an angle.

Four or more planets in first four houses.

8th lord in angle or 8th with benefics.

1st, 8th or 10th lord with Saturn in angle, or own sign.

Three planets are in the 8th in exaltation, own or friendly sign while the lagna lord is strong - Purnayus.

If in any of the 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 9th or 10th there are 3, 4, or 5 planets the man has control over sex and lives long - Purnayus.

Four or more planets in the first four houses, lives long - Purnayus.


If the planets are placed in such a way from the lagna that Saturn is the first and Mars the last and they occupy vaiseshikamsas the person will resemble an immortal.