Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Argala is broadly interpreted as an Intervation and is unique to Vedic Astrology. In day to day life, every activity,has some intervention or obstruction due to men, material, and want of money . These inter relationship of the happenning and not happenning due to Intervention or Help or obstructions occured, can be deciphered using Vedic Astrology through Argala Analysys. The method of using Argala in Predictions has some Rules such as
1. Every activity has a Ruling House and is called Karya Bhava. And the Ruling Planet is called Karaka , or the Significator. Suppose if you want to see the Prospects of Children, Fifth Bhava is the Karya Bhava , and Jupiter is the Karaka or Significator.

2. The signs and the Planets therein in the 2nd, 4th, and 11th from the Karaka of the Karya Bhava have direct Argala. Say from the 5th House if Karaka is there, count 2nd, 4th and the 11th House and find if there are any Planets in it. those Planets Cause Argala or Intervention on the matters of the Birth of Children, and other matters connected with the Fifth House. That is these Planets have a direct say on the affairs concerning the significator.That is on the Birth and Prospects of Children.
3. The Planets in the 12th, 10th, nd 3rd house from the significator obstruct the Argala produced by the signs
4. Natural Malefics, or Temporal Malefics in the places of Argala cause Papargala, and Natural Benefics or Temporal or Tatkalika Mitra cause Subhargala. Or beneficial Intervention.
5. An exception to the above Rules is that Malefics in the 3rd House from the Karya Bhava or Karaka Cause Subhargala.
6. Planets in the 5th and the 8th House from Karya Bhava or Karaka Can Cause Indirect or Secondary Level of Argala or Intervention. But the planets if any present in the 9th and 6th Bhavas Remove or cancels the Argala or Intervention caused by the 5th and the 8th Houses.