Thursday, April 7, 2011



"... from Old French: 'divorce', from Latin. divortium "separation, dissolution of marriage,"

from divertere "to separate, leave one's husband, turn aside" (see divert)."

He who does not have mother in the house and has a wife of harsh speech,

should go to a forest:

(for him) as is the forest so is his house.

~~ Brihanaradiya Purana, 10.44

"One should avoid from a distance a bad son,

a bad king, a bad friend,

a bad relationship and a bad country."

~~ Mahabharata Shanti Parva, 139.93

REASONING: " Anger cannot be overcome by anger.

If a person shows anger to you, and you show anger in return, the result is a disaster. In contrast, if you control your anger and show its opposite -- love, compassion, tolerance, and patience--then not only will you remain in peace, but the anger of others also will gradually diminish.

No one can argue with the fact that in the presence of anger, peace is impossible. Only through kindness and love can peace of mind be achieved.

· ...human beings can judge and reason; we understand consequences and think in the long term. It is also true that human beings can develop infinite love.... However, when humans become angry; all of this potential is lost.

· No enemy armed with mere weapons can undo these qualities, but anger can.

· It is the destroyer.

If you look deeply into such things, the blueprint for our actions can be found within the mind. Self-defeating attitudes arise not of their own accord but out of ignorance. Success, too, is found within ourselves.

Out of self-discipline, self-awareness, and clear realization of the defects of anger and the positive effects of kindness will come peace."

Strong Thruthiya Drishti from Shani upon yuvati bhava [7TH House] = idleness and stagnation in marriage.

  • Boredom, unresolved frustration with negative habits of the spouse, and Stubborn resistance to change while burdened with responsibilities for children.
  • Stays in the marriage "for the children".
  • Lord Shani is a force of orderliness therefore Shani alone will not enforce a divorce. But if other factors pressure a split, one of the long-term grievances of the abandoning partner may well be endurance of decades of "motion without progress" due to the stubborn resistance (Shani) of the spouse preventing any creative forward movement on matters of lingering disagreement.
Conflict resolution is stalled and a pattern of work exhaustion combined with a focus on the routines of child-raising and structured entertainments (such as family vacations, school performances, sports competitions etc) tend to replace intimate marital communication. This is a rather long-term problem and it may indeed persist until death do them part.

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