Become Your Own Therapist Using Your Chart
Our astrological chart is a window into our destiny, our soul and our psyche. Knowledge of the fundamentals in your chart provides a foundation on which a spiritual and psychological practice can be based.
All astrological data, including planets, elements, aspects and houses, illuminate where we can draw on our strengths and where we sabotage ourselves. Each chart also contains its own medicine which is the antidote to the weaknesses and wounds it reveals. With greater knowledge of our charts from this perspective we can become our own healers and be more honest and open with any Astrologer we consult.
I will discuss how I use Astrology to frame an initial meaning and determine the approach that will be most effective for that person. We will analyze several charts in detail to understand the impact of our early life, our experiences and our own personality traits on our behavior. While karma and past life experiences are clearly visible in each chart and do inform the underlying meaning of both our gifts and our wounds, it is helpful to learn strategies that enable us to act differently and consciously in our daily lives.
| | | SA | | | | SU | |
| RASI AUG 20,1944 72E50 / 18N56 SUNDAY P.PHALGUNI | RA | SA | NAVAMSA | RA JU | |||
KE | SU JU MO VE ASC ME HL | KE MA | ASC | |||||
MD | | GL DP | MA UL | ME | MD | | VE MO |
His Horoscope is analysed based on the principles of Vedic Astrology with the help of Jaimini Sutras.
Moon is in Leo. Lord of Moon Sign is in Janma Lagna[Leo] and conjoins Hora Lagna [Leo]and aspects Ghati Lagna [Libra]. It is a well known fact that Rajiv Gandhi was born with a silver spoon, and lived in plenty. These are the results of a good Karma in the past birth.
But he had an unnatural death due to the following combinations in the Birth Chart
3RD from
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